Ocean Dr Area 32 City of Miami Beach FL. 33139


Harper is

the new


We are Harper Studio
Make things happen. Ideas above all else: titles, egos, pedigree be damned.

We move forward by questioning, wondering, and learning.

Web Design
  • Art Direction
  • User Exerience Design
  • Illustration
  • Motion Design
  • 2D & 3D Animation
  • One PAge
  • Web App
  • Mobile App
  • Desktop App
  • Illustration


Arnold Wickman - Honeywell


Marina Hedger - Google


Tonny Wonder - Slack
March,13 2021
10 Great Examples of Responsive Websites

Recusandae consequuntur at quod quia atque dolore ut nihil omnis.

March,13 2021
What Will Website Be Like In 100 Years?

Recusandae consequuntur at quod quia atque dolore ut nihil omnis.

March,13 2021
The History Of Web Design

Recusandae consequuntur at quod quia atque dolore ut nihil omnis.

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